#58. Fear & Fascination | Mikki McComb-Kobza

April 03, 2023 Season 5 Episode 8
#58. Fear & Fascination | Mikki McComb-Kobza
Show Notes

Imagine hopping on a bike only to find the bell missing. Ok, so you can’t ring when you pass your friends, but, you can still wave. But what if the baskets missing too? Where do you put your book, your baguette, your raincoat? Not ideal. But what if there are no peddles, or handlebars, or seat? At some point, the machine we call a bicycle is no longer a bicycle. It’s more like a static, lifeless artifact from the past. The same is true for the environment. When you begin to remove seemingly insignificant elements, eventually the entire ecosystem fails.

As a Marine Conservation Biologist, Mikki McComb-Kobza has spent her life and career trying to help people understand the value of every coral, crustacean, and creature in our oceans and the life they help sustain, including our own.

Here’s Mikki in conversation with Will Travis, founder of Elevation Barn, along with a community that’s eager to bring balance back to our oceans.