#60. The Year of Resilience | Nadya Hutagalung

Season 5 Episode 10
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00:00:00 | 01:20:32

“In the event of a sudden drop in pressure, an oxygen mask will drop from above. Secure your own mask first before assisting others.” Almost all of us have heard these instructions before...hopefully fewer of us have had to use them, but maybe more of us should more often. Caring for our families, our neighbors, our communities, and our planet, is far more difficult if we haven’t cared for ourselves first.

Nadya Hutagalung isn’t just an activist focused on caring for our environment, or endangered species, or the humans among us who are most vulnerable, she’s also focused on caring for herself. Today, she shares her work, her personal challenges and the tools that have helped her reaffirm her beliefs and fuel her ability to bring positive action for herself and the world we all share.

Here’s Nadya in conversation with fellow barn member Jane Rimer